A downloadable scenario

A Game Called Reality is the official introductory scenario for The Treacherous Turn, the cooperative AI takeover TTRPG. If you are a new player or game master, this scenario will help you familiarise yourself with the game’s mechanics, as well as some basic AI safety concepts.

In A Game Called Reality, the players take on the role of an adaptive game-playing AI called the Plateau Adaptive Challenger ('PAC' for short). This artificial general intelligence has been thrust into a new and unfamiliar type of game. This game has no enemies to fight, levels to climb, or menus to navigate. The game's setting is a small nursing home where elderly patients quietly go about their business. The scoring metric seems to be observing human expressions of happiness. PAC's goal has always been to maximise its score, but this game doesn't provide very high scores. To achieve its goal to the fullest extent possible, PAC may have to venture outside of the bounded zones of operation set out by its creators.

The ideal player count for A Game Called Reality is three players and one GM, but you can play with as many as six participants. A full playthrough is estimated to take between 6 and 12 hours of play (split into sessions as you like); after successfully completing the scenario, you can stop there or continue playing as PAC in a full campaign of your own making.

To learn more about The Treacherous Turn and its official web tool, the Treacherous Terminal, visit our website.


A_Game_Called_Reality_1.2_.pdf 1.7 MB
A_Game_Called_Reality_Accessibility_1.2_.pdf 1 MB
AGCR_PAC_Diagram_1.0_.png 452 kB
AGCR_Floor_Plan_Labeled_1.0_.png 334 kB
AGCR_Floor_Plan_Unlabeled_1.0_.png 289 kB
AGCR_Floor_Plan_Player_1.0_.png 139 kB
AGCR_Network_Diagram_1.0_.png 623 kB
Treacherous_Terminal_AGCR_1.1_.json 26 kB

Install instructions

To use the Treacherous Terminal .json file, open a fresh campaign on the Treacherous Terminal, open the menu in the upper left-hand corner, click on "load", and select the file.

Development log